울월스, 알디 등에서 판매하는 냉동식품에 리스테리아 박테리아가 있을 위험이 있어 리콜되고 있습니다.
임산부와 태아에게 특히 위험하다는 리스테리아 박테리아는 감기와 비슷한 증상으로 시작해 뇌손상과 사망에 이를 수도 있는 치명적인 세균이라고 하네요. 냉동실에 관련 제품이 있는지 살펴 보시고 처리하시길.
Woolworths: Essentials snap frozen mixed veg 1kg: carrots, peas, corn, green beans and potatoes. National distribution, best before 19 March 2020 - 24 April 2020;
Woolworths: Bell Farms Steam Veggie Carrot Corn and Broccoli 3pk 450g. National distribution, all stock.
IGA: Black & Gold Corn Kernels 500g bags.
IGA: Black & Gold Mixed Vegetables 1kg: Carrots, peas, beans & corn
ALDI: Market Fare Peas, Carrots and Super Sweet Corn 1kg
ALDI: Market Fare Corn Kernels 1kg. QLD, VIC, WA and selected NSW stores - product of Hungary only
ALDI: Market Fare Mixed Vegetables 1kg. QLD, NSW, ACT, WA - packed in Belgium from Imported and Belgian Ingredients (only)
ALDI: Market Fare Quick Steam Carrot Broccoli and Cauliflower 450g. National distribution, only products with country of origin of Belgium, United Kingdom or Hungary, all other countries not affected.
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